Database Design Specialist v1.1

This course includes
Hands-On Labs
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About This Course

Skills You’ll Get


10+ Lessons | 260+ Quizzes | 62+ Flashcards | 62+ Glossary of terms


50+ Pre Assessment Questions | 3+ Full Length Tests | 82+ Post Assessment Questions | 150+ Practice Test Questions

Hands-On Labs

8+ LiveLab | 00+ Minutes


Introduction to Databases

  • Introduction to Databases
  • Data Formats
  • What Is a Database?
  • File-Based Databases
  • The Evolution of Databases
  • Relational Databases and Database Management Systems (DBMSs)
  • Origins of Relational Databases
  • Lesson Summary
  • Optional Lab

Relational Database Fundamentals

  • Introduction to Relational Databases
  • Multitier Database Architecture
  • Relational Model Terminology
  • Using Tables to Represent Data
  • Characteristics of Relations
  • Data Models
  • Entities and Data Relationships
  • Relational Integrity
  • Database Languages
  • Data Dictionaries
  • Lesson Summary
  • Optional Lab

Database Planning

  • Introduction to Database Planning
  • Database Design Life Cycle
  • Database Requirements Document
  • ProAudio Case Study
  • Selecting a DBMS
  • Selecting an Application Interface
  • Lesson Summary
  • Optional Lab

Overview of Database Design Methodology

  • Introduction to Database Design Methodology
  • Effects of Poor Database Design Practices
  • Database Design Phases
  • Conceptual Database Design
  • Entity-Relationship (ER) Models
  • Lesson Summary
  • Optional Lab


  • Introduction to Normalization
  • What Is Normalization?
  • Normal Forms
  • First Normal Form
  • Second Normal Form
  • Third Normal Form
  • Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF)
  • Lesson Summary
  • Optional Lab

Logical Database Design

  • Introduction to Logical Database Design
  • Logical Database Design
  • Creating a Logical Data Model
  • Using a Database Definition Language
  • Validating the Logical Data Model
  • Defining Integrity Constraints
  • Creating an Enterprise Data Model
  • Lesson Summary
  • Optional Lab

Physical Database Design

  • Introduction to Physical Database Design
  • Physical Database Design
  • MySQL Workbench
  • Creating Enterprise Constraints
  • Using Secondary Indexes
  • Denormalization
  • Creating User Views
  • Designing Database Access Rules
  • Lesson Summary
  • Optional Lab

Structured Query Language

  • Introduction to Structured Query Language
  • SQL Basics
  • Data Definition Language
  • Data Manipulation Language
  • Retrieving Data from Relations
  • Data Control Language
  • Lesson Summary
  • Optional Lab

Relational Algebra

  • Introduction to Relational Algebra
  • Defining Relational Algebra
  • Selection
  • Projection
  • Cartesian Product
  • Union
  • Difference
  • Intersection
  • Joins
  • The Division Operation
  • Lesson Summary
  • Optional Lab

Transactions and Database Security

  • Introduction to Database Transactions and Security
  • Transactions
  • Concurrency Control
  • Transaction Support in SQL
  • Database Security
  • Lesson Summary


Physical Database Design

  • Creating Base Relations for the ProAudio Database
  • Creating Relations and Adding CHECK Constraints

Structured Query Language

  • Using the INSERT Statement
  • Using DDL
  • Deleting and Updating Records
  • Using the IN, BETWEEN, and LIKE Operators
  • Retrieving Records from a Database

Relational Algebra

  • Joining Relations

Database Design Specialist v1.1


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